The Future of Geological Sciences

The Future of Geological Sciences


Once reach a mature state of a permacultural system, on an evolutionary conceptual level of social acceptation; it will start then a global sustainable loop cycle, a consequently to increase on work force dependency, and a subsequent requirement of mankind with specialization in Earth science curricula

A safe Earth for future generations relies on citizenry knowledge about Earth, its inhabitants, and the sustainability that each of them plays for life on Earth entities. To rectify this problem short-term developments and implementations should consider a priori interactions between all social and working levels in the study of Earth systems to enfold consciousness for our planet sustainability. Geological sciences are expected to rise as an immediate future solution for a continuum of science, productive activity of natural resources, and the development of scientific curriculum for the necessities of mankind. An adequate allocation of the Earth History should contempt all sciences into an integral built-up critical thinking Big History concept for a sustainable development of human and its environment.

For this social state to happen it also requires the guidelines of a social productivity modus based upon social relationships of persons and material relationships between things (c.f., Karl Marx).

This work dependency basis must be use to avoid the food nemesis (Boltvinki, 2009), by increasing the food production design to sustain a vital social cycle (c.f. Eco Teología de la liberación; Boff, L.), via the continuum of science curricula of Geological Sciences.

Thinking in the future and applying it into early Earth sciences, offers an opportunity to: start a crucial comprehension of the nature of our geo-political crisis, foster new challenges, and built bridges to open possibilities for a new world.

Submitted to the Early Career Geoscientists, International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) Essay Contest 2011; March 2011

Future of the Geological Sciences

Igor Ishi Rubio Cisneros
Postgraduate of the Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, 64700 Linares, Nuevo León, México.


A safe Earth for future generations relies on citizenry knowledge about Earth, its inhabitants, and the sustainability that each of them plays for life on Earth entities. To rectify this problem short-term developments and implementations should consider a priori interactions between all social and working levels in the study of Earth systems to enfold consciousness for our planet sustainability. Geological sciences are expected to rise as an immediate future solution for a continuum of science, productive activity of natural resources, and the development of scientific curriculum for the necessities of mankind. An adequate allocation of the Earth History should contempt all sciences into an integral built-up critical thinking Big History concept for a sustainable development of human and its environment.

Thinking in the future and applying it into Earth sciences, offers an opportunity to: start a crucial comprehension of the nature of our geo-political crisis, foster new challenges, and built bridges to open possibilities for a new world.

Keywords: Earth, sustainability, Geological sciences, Big History, geo-political crisis


With space programs we had the first view from outer space of Earth. We saw how beautiful and fragile our home planet appeared, “a pale blue dot” said Carl Sagan. Earth, is unique, a dynamic- living-sphere apart from the others in the solar system and probably rare in the whole universe. Nearly everything we do each day is connected in someway to the systems that lie within the planet. It is because we are derived and live from Earth that we need to know more about our planet, its processes, resources, and environments. And only through Geological science education future citizens can understand and appreciate its complexity. The future of Earth science, the future itself, lies in our hands. Our civilization and the rest of nature in Earth depend on how we understand and manage our planet.

Earth’s natural processes affect us all, but we as individuals, communities, and nations affect our planet. Expanding technologies and growing populations increase a demand of natural resources. This needs extraction has a direct impact on Earth today, which will affect those who will come after us. To enhance our environmental stewardship, we must proceed into the future of understanding the Earth systems. This research has a highly cultural value, supporting Kant’s idea of, a genuine scientist research nature mainly because he wants to comprehend and rationalize it. Earth science benefits everyone; it enables us to think globally and to act locally to make leading edge decisions about issues that reinforce our present and foresights the potential for harmonic survival between polis and the rest of the planet (e.g., clean water). An informed society, conscious of the complex relationships with our planet, recognizes the importance of and insists on Geological science education, and deducts the benefit of Earth science itself.


The development and sharing of research of background and skills on a global scale by different Earth science disciplines, provides basis for science curricula and a true planetary conceptual interdisciplinary understanding.

The world’s setting is now on a civilization escarpment, immersed for the first time in three main crisis problems, climatic, food, and politics (Boltvinik, 2011; Castro-Ruz, 2011). To prevent those we must not only foster the economics’ health and viability of humanity, but also provide interstate cooperation necessary to ensure a stable and an integrated earth environment in which to enjoy the fruits of economic development. We must understand the strengths and limitations of the processes we use to learn about Earth systems, and the implications they have for technology. We must then learn to balance our human order systems to live in harmony with ourselves and nature.

The knowledge of Earth coupled to the nature of science must be contempt to be used in a continuum manner to construct effective future-oriented disciplines (e.g., Permaculture [Mollison, 2002]), that will be fundamental in assisting world’s citizenry to reach a new level of knowledge and understanding; to attain and secure a quality standard life of al citizens and its environment.

Both science implementations and education as now conceived and constructed, are poorly equipped to assist and skill young thinkers and future leaders to cope with the opportunities plus challenges offered by the progressive world order. A critical thinker gets information from multiple and diverse sources before taking sides in an issue. Regardless a wide visionary knowledge of the human race and Earth, moral consciousness, and critical history; the world order educational narrow-vision systems fortify the training of employees and the development of obedient persons required for the competing marketing lineaments, towards the control and usage of an otherwise hostile Earth environment.

To secure a sustainable Earth via imminent short-term solutions for future generations, we must have scientist, engineers, economists politicians and industrialists who understand: the ancient to actual relationships between the processes that society and scientist have identified; coupled to what engineers have harnessed by economics and military defense purposes, and the Earth system. Therefore the necessity to understand the importance the relationship between species diversity and the well-being of the biosphere, is for future implications in terms of human health and long term economic stability. This includes a debate of sustainable non-dependant Carbon energy policies and the consequent anthropogenic contributions to climate change. Certainly there is a need for an Earth science boom implementation, a more effectively develop knowledge of Geological systems among the citizens and the future scientific, industrial, and political leaders.

Ergo, a consequent need to restructure alternatives for the actual science curricula at different educational levels in institutions and companies. It is then where the future of Geological sciences helps the social-economic system to encounter Earth system concepts, at a level of sophistication to support their utilization in developed policies to enable, encourage, and adopt a social-environmental responsibility.

History has taught us that the value of good geosciences and the nature of science in curricula are linked to the flow of ancient history (e.g., Renaissance; Rosenberg, 2009). Our enlightened science is bounded to the geometrization of nature and the Earth’s grid infinite possibility of organization the fundaments of resemblance®, identities®, and taxonomy into materialism. As a whole they intertwined with perceived wealth needs for military defense (e.g., Leonardo Da’ Vinci’s work), economic-industrial commodities, and applications in a sense conducted by the productive forces to approach a “hard science”. The sequel of scientific history has only selected phenomena through rigorously controlled experimental techniques for specific mentioned needs. Nevertheless, scientific
 findings merit a few contextual disclosures that started by its own maturity upon specific utilitarian of physic-biological processes by initial observations and phenomena description via the scientific method.

Undeniably, the scientific community is leaping into a greater data flux by a rapidly emerging understanding of the inter-linkage and inter-dependency of Earth’s systems complexity. The “hard science” approach has been unable to provide adequate insight into the systems, illustrating the severe limitations of reductionist science. Thus, new implementations on science programs aiming from particular to general and from general to particular approaches, must overcome the actual scientific-technological models to recognize the complexity of the systems, their negative impact in one another, and the potential for their prediction (e.g., chaos theory). Scientific facts, for example on geology, must be subjected to evaluation because it treats a highly complex nonlinear logic that is extremely difficult to model. Models based upon abstraction (Rosenblueth & Wiener, 1945), give virtual reasoning for developing Plan-Projects in tough economic times, where the real cost of resources is going up. So it is better to know as much as possible about geology and geo-politics to minimize the amount of energy-time cost spent unproductively.

Moreover, there has been historically a decoupling between the main branches of all scientific subjects as abstract thinking, history (time), and geography (space, [Rubio-Cano, 2002]). Their unity enables science to be conceive science as an integration of all disciplines as one central guidance-subject, rarely mentioned and highly misunderstood and known as Big History (Alvarez, 2010). The lack consistency in subjects plus technologies, opaque the future of science by solving pertinent problems on a computer, by cycling quickly through all the answers until stumbling the correct one; obtaining answers without understanding and circumventing the value of learning. This excludes the scientific method and critical thinking, which must overcome interpretations to satisfy complex historical natural events besides something merely descriptive. Technology can provide strong support for both learning and scientific processes, but it can also be used to replace them. Critical thinking is difficult to teach and probably more difficult to learn, especially when answers that don’t require it are easily available. Once learned, critical thinking takes constant effort.

The above statements come into congruence when talking about the basis of geology, which is field work. Outcrop works leads to both enlightenment and humility. It modifies the concepts carried from the desk according to the reality of the rocks and leads to new concepts, while new and sometimes embarrassing questions arise with unsettling frequency. This is geosciences on action. Getting something useful out of the geosciences involves testing ideas developed on the outcrop and subsurface. Strictly speaking, geologists can’t use the scientific method, because most geological problems deny use of a critical experimentation stage. Instead, we’re presented with the superimposed results to the mix. We are given incomplete datasets with which to do the sorting, and evaluating system units (e.g., rocks, resources) that are sometimes inaccessible. The incomplete nature of the datasets makes it difficult to portrait the attributes of a “X” system, to predict outlines and mechanics of behavior using potential models (e.g., experimental & surface). The reconstructing is aided by a four dimensional thinking, theoretical knowledge, and experience. Such reconstructions are not easy, yet consistently made with a high enough degree of success. Models include logical business, system units, engineering, and integral geology, but their importance must not be confused with reality. Exploration geologists – shipped to the future – need to create and use conceptual models that account for the unknown. Field information gatherers must realize that geological measurements are reality, and that the inability of a given model to accommodate reality is a limitation of the model, not a geological deficiency.

The lack of understanding of basic Earth systems concepts and methods has brought to light the lack of objectivity among political and business leaders, and even some scientists, when confronted by issues such as geological hazards (e.g., landslides) and anthropogenic impact in (eco-) systems. No matter who you are, the importance of geological sciences is clear. Earth science now more than ever provides a strong background for many career paths and instills an understanding of how the system of the planet influences the many and varied aspects of human activity. Geological science builds careers for life; however many graduates at different educational levels are unaware of the contributions that Earth scientists make to society and the unique problem solving skills by critical thinking that geology (Lorenz, 2010). We must make Earth science education a priority at all levels if we, as a society, are to meet the increasing demands of the future.

Within the media there seems to bee little recognition at an international level of the importance of a background in Earth science concepts, for future leaders and the prosperity of a human and environment interdependency. Yet, since late 1800’s, F. Engels said that human specie is directly dependant upon natural laws and forces. Little is being done in the educational systems to acquaint our future citizens with Earth system concepts and processes.
For chances to succeed for imminent and future human-environment problems we need to implement an appropriate educational level of sophistication, into the real science fact; an implementation toward citizenry. To inform them about the planet which they live by the development of integrated science curriculum applying a Big History perception.

Since the mid 70’s to the early XXI century, there has been tremendous advance on the understanding of planet Earth by applying resources and support high technology in data gathering by satellites, cyber-infrastructure, and data services networks (Johnson et al., 2000; Ramamurthy, 2006; Jefferson et al., 2010). Nevertheless, Earth scientists are in an embryonic process of reinterpreting the relationships between the various sub-disciplines and their mode of inquiry, as a term known as Earthy System Science and into a Big History panorama. The role of Earth science in meeting society’s needs and continues to grow in importance. The study of planet Earth processes, systems, and cycles, shall be organized as chronographic parameters before and during the last geological epoch, the Antropocene (Zalasiewicz et al., 2008); but also the planetary spheres’ subdivision on Earth (e.g., biosphere). Lately the importance of understanding short-term changes or processes within the Earth system was discussed; meanwhile, long-term changes are essential to establishing philosophically our place in the physics of world (Hawking & Mlodinow, 2010). Therefore, there is a powerful case for making the Earth system a central organization for future science curriculum development. In addition, science is a continuous fundamental reflection of ourselves as mind and brain species (Merani 1969, 1975, Fischbach, 1992), to understand our habitat and how we came to become part of it, aiming for an explanation for Earth systems. Like science itself, the enrichment should be objective.

If past historical attempts have been made to integrate science curricula in society, they have suffered from a lack of consistency from a conceptual focus in all science sub-disciplines and the review of the current state of Earth science. The logical focus for a new integration effort is the Earth system. In essence, it becomes the meaning from source to think of science itself into a Big History concept.

It is because of the tremendous power we have accumulated through science and technology to influence our natural Earth system, our pressure to revise curricula to help ourselves based on anti-merchant agreements (Boltvinik, 2011), and to achieve further technical development, and a bright economic future; that we must reflect carefully on basic thoughts that divorced us from the world of nature to which we belong, and even more the contemplation of natural power by the actual social-economic geo-political order. A prerequisite for the preservation of the canons of humanism is a reestablishment of native roots with our natural environment and, related to it, the evolution of ways of life which encourage contemplation and the search for values and knowledge. They are all conceived as commodities for style (no practical value) to fulfill psychologically and spirituality in a Matrix of necessities and satisfactors (Boltvinik, 2005).

When referring to the of Earth we must go global, to unified unify strategies into a plan of reinforced learning activities that engage the hand, brain, and mind as the citizenry gets involved in the study of science (Mayer, 1993). Earth science creates informed citizens, so we need to raise consciousness, by both knowledge and appreciation on what we are living on, our Mother Earth. Earth science should be encountered through integrated sciences as a state and thing of beauty attached to eons of development, considering Earth so valuable not because of its resources but for its capacity to enhance potential living organisms by respect, a communal sense of coexistence, production, and therein the meaning of fractals in nature (Boff, 2011). It is then when citizenry is helped to achieve a rational state of Earth as a whole by understanding the effective ancient enlightenment to modern enrichment of Earth science curriculum, and provide from organized citizenry-cells a firm foundation for a geo-cooperation scale for planetary problem solving issues triggered by Homo sapiens.
The positive consequences of applying a critical thinking for a solid curriculum in Earth sciences may lead to global unified strategies (Lorenz, 2010); for example to leap onto new oil and natural gas frontiers, carbon sequestration, nuclear energy, alternative energy sources, clean water and food for everyone.

The Future in geological sciences brings a scenario in which a scientific wish list evokes of what we imply to find as answers, starting with correspondence upon Earth in the solar system, Earth’s history and structure, the origin and evolution of the Universe, its implications for Earth system and dynamics involving physic-chemical cycles from its interior to surrounding celestial objects, properties of Earth materials, Earth soil coating in where we plant and harvest our food, and even advances in energy in the entire Earth system with a vision to other planets. The main objective of interdisciplinary Earth reasoning in finding answers is now revealed not only by analyzing existent physic-chemical manifestations, but by imitating natural processes and experimenting to create unnumbered responses expressed as substances and materials.

The actual geo-politics, activities and conditions immerse in economics, and the functional basis of social behavior in a globalized network will impact our development (e.g., industry) and provide the context for our future activities as human beings. Thus probable scenarios for Earth Sciences may take place.

On the last paragraphs there was an evident discussion about the possible social- scenario, of the enlightenment to enrichment of a science curriculum for geosciences in the future via a Big History concept, which has been considered as a function of the matter and purpose of science itself by helping society. Nevertheless, other scenarios can exist in which science curriculum could now be functioning or be worthy to function according to some theoretical speculations, referring them to a future in geosciences upon a geo-political order to satisfy the syndication of the Earth science system (Elliott & Hanson, 2003). This latter promotes a continuum of financial feedback between an attained industrial-political management and scientific-technological needs for the big business system by setting up organizations of geo-scientific professionals and associations aligned to the founding factors of the second industrial revolution. Therefore the meaning of science is corrupted by attacking the structure of society and Earth, making it an ambiguous manifestation of a rigid monopoly system on the natural resources management by a direct governmental approach. This supports the supremacy of the financial system over the state of right.

Strategies for merging possibilities might be assisted by transparent and predictable economy-wide global hydrocarbon price that is reasonably stable, and thus integrating energy, economic and environmental discussions, while strengthening global energy trade and sharing, evaluate manpower, and education imbalances and opportunities for young apprentices and professionals in Earth sciences. Changes are rarely comfortable and the strategic plan outlines some significant variations, but they can be beneficial when done right. Yet it is too easy to omit important details in pursuit of the large goals. Thus, all perspectives are needed, and require work that involves the construction of an informed social and scientific structure.

Either scenario rely on pros and cons to respond to critical times, nevertheless, we have seen that the vertebral function of either is science. Science can be easily manipulated according dominant greed in geo-political interests (e.g., oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico), but it should always pursue building new objective bridges to fulfill society’s and Earth’s future needs (e.g., energy vs. green coverage recovery [Drake, 1972]). A challenge that is adequate to these days involves the question of – Where are we heading with this technology? We can go quickly on the wrong direction and directly get into trouble, of an immeasurable scale. Even more, in science, ethics must prevail to avoid a dishonest panorama that seems to be governing in geo-political issues during recent years (Gerhard, 2010). The planet has turned to evolve into a debate in which science, political-philosophy, passion, and ethics have become so entwined that they may be impossible to separate. Citizenry’s wealth must be aimed to collectivity as a basis force for productivity in needs. There must be a reason to be in any activity we do and on who we are as specie.

It has been said on philosophical and economical manuscripts that, when ever we demonstrate the power of mankind to heal its self from eager ambitions that destroy him and its environment by immersing himself in science, then we will pass the boundary of our pre-history to transcend into a history (e.g., Karl Marx). In other words, we should invert our social productivity modus from social relationship of things and material relationships between persons to, social relationships of persons and material relationships between things (c.f., Karl Marx). The latter statement denotes a discordant boundary for a new society on the necessity for a successful function of the social grid, to merge the basis for communes of freedom-thinking producers into a cyclic production and reproduction of elaborated social conglomerates. It is then when questionable considerations are built, to be attacked with integrated social- solutions in plunge to science curriculum. Like for example. What can be done to diminish the anthropogenic consequences on Earth? What are the technological appliances to accomplish in time to mitigate a system like global warming? Rather than mitigating warming, would investments be better used to prepare and adapt? What is the proper balance between mitigation/adaptation? Are we able to say that our society is a science-based cell-association? When Antropocene ends will an ecological epoch begin? These are questions for science, economics, and politics. Answers may be more complex than generally taught because they involve the challenge to built bridges into the future. This will take social- leadership. As a closure, mankind makes its own history and nutrients for a new society, by the social participation against destruction, but also by valuing the importance of lasting in memory for future generations of how amazing geology has played a significant role on our development as specie (Dr. James F. Reilly, Jr., NASA).


As geoscientists we have a good understanding of many of the factors that can affect our daily life, like considering that world’s population is growing, energy demands/consumption, anthropogenic effects over Earth’s systems, and the function of market and industrialized sectors among others. We also consider geology as an inevitable job open opportunity, because the demand for recourses that exponentially increases in the next decades is dependable upon the geologist pool. Our job is to use the best available geosciences, when picking objective problems, resources prospection’s, but also answering and determining completion techniques in human-rational sense; towards technology that can manage resources and Earth maintenance ratios in a favorable status in benefit of society.
A delicate balance should be in heritage with the push of science curriculum: where some see beautiful vistas, abundant wildlife, and recreational paradise; others see a promising geologic structure and a beautiful energy potential.

Geology should be considered as a neural discipline that connects to any other, from source to product.


Particularly the future of geosciences, extrapolated into the Big History concept, might be consider as, a scientific frontier that will redefine human conditions with its surrounding. Life is a trip that we only get to take once. Pour your commitment into the world’s social network. Use time to build bridges every chance you get. As the future settles for the consolidation of an interdisciplinary understating of Earth systems and the satisfaction for emergent conditions of prevailing needs, the world will then be better for it. The foundation of many of these bridges already has been poured, but they certainly must be completed on appropriate time for human sustainability.

The merge of questioning the future of Earth sciences as a fundamental way of survival of the planet manifests when extreme crisis times occurred as todays.
A grand challenge is progressively taking place into a transition for a new ecological generation of efficient knowledge, application, and dissemination; which will be basis for a global interdependent transformation and projected in needs’ acquisition (e.g., non-fossil fuel sources) by conscious enlightenment.

If something must define the future objective of Geological sciences is the trend and the strengthening of literacy (science curriculum; Crutzen, 2002) on a conductive line in sense of the interdisciplinary set of the Big History concept. This human strengthening from a –Why?– to a –How?– reasoning, is in much consistent from a detachment off himself and managing upon external objectives that can be civic, political, scientific, artistic and humanistic. This will enable us to become better architects of design for strategies on ethics in work and working divisions. This in turn reflects the basis of G.A. Cohen’s analysis of materialistic doctrines for productive activity like: anthropologic philosophy, theory of the history, economical science; and a vision of the future society. It is then by means of Earth science and Big History we can start the crucial comprehension of the nature of our crisis for consequent answers. Therefore, other world is possible.

Geological sciences are a vital profession for global health. Short-term pressing issues in today’s world would benefit from thoughtful reflections by geologists; while geology has a wide range of opportunity for exercising critical thinking, from its natural field basis to its social impacts. Long-term and future issues must conceive Earth sciences power, which prevails over racial or cultural circumstances to endeavor new contributions to save ourselves and the planet.

Life on Earth is facing consequences of an aging geopolitical order system which needs balance, because we have simply reached the capacity of a planetary system. It must be understood beyond the human community for sustainability, that we are on one world, a same planet, and we are interdependent; so we need the cooperation of all Earth residents. We can’t escape because of our mistakes but we can overcome them by working on identifying ourselves to humanity. We are the bridge, and shall do our best.

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Igor Ishi Rubio Cisneros, PhD. Cand. In Geosciences, (2011, 03). The Future of Geological Sciences.

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